Individual Classes: (Approximately 3 months)
1. How Can 1 Know I’m A Christian?
2. Attitudes
3. Temptations
4. Successful Christian Living
(Includes studies on the ministry of the Holy Spirit)
5. Growing through Failure
6. Christian Practices (Local Church Relationships)
7. Obedience to God / Obedience to Man
8. Spiritual Power and the Supernatural
9. Anger and Personal Rights
10. How to study the Bible
11. Love and Accepting Myself
12. Personal Relationships with Others
*Basic Life Principles Seminar (2 weeks)

Advanced Classes: (Approximately 6 months,)
1. Pauline Epistles
2. Old Testament Survey
3. Life of Christ
4. Johannine Literature
5. Our Covenant God
6. Book of Acts
7. Anger Seminar (9 sessions)
8. The Daniel Plan (Faith and Physical Fitness)
Leadership Classes: (Approximately 3 months)
1. Financial Class
2. Motivational Gifts and Application
3. Evangelism Workshop
Electives for Ministry Option:
1. Hebrews/General Epistles
2. Romans/Galatians
3. Doctrine I: Scriptures (Bibliography) and God (Theology)
4. Doctrine II. Angels (Angelology); Man (Anthropology) and Sin (Hamartiology)
5. Doctrine III: Christ (Christology); Atonement and Salvation (Soteriology)
6. Doctrine IV: The Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) and The Church (Ecclesiology)